Hi Everybody
Welcome back to 2015. Collected is calling for submissions for our next issue, #15. The theme is Reading/ Library Life and we would welcome any relevant articles. We also welcome reviews and any other articles on related matters. We would also encourage you to write about events of interest in your region. Don’t just assume that someone else will write it. You may also think it may hold little interest for others but our readership likes to hear what other regions do at meetings, PD sessions and social events. The closing date for submissions is Thursday the 2nd of April If you have any questions about articles please don’t hesitate to drop me an e-mail at this address [email protected] Guidelines for submissions can be found on the SLANZA website ( slanza.org.nz ) under the Resources tab ,under Collected Looking forward to hearing from you all Greig Daniels Editor, Collected
All current financial SLANZA members have now been sent an invoice for the renewal of their membership for the 2015 calendar year. If for any reason you were expecting a renewal invoice but have not yet received one, please contact the SLANZA Administration Officer at [email protected].
If you are not yet a SLANZA member but would like to join, please download and complete the membership application form and return with payment (details on how to do this are included on the form). For any membership queries, please contact us at [email protected] As you are aware there has been growing opposition to the changes the National Library has made as part of the Services to Schools Transformation Programme. There is a great deal of information and developments so below are some links of interest just in case you would like to read more or have missed a piece from the news!
You will also find below the details of meetings in your region to discuss these changes – click on the link for your region to view details via the SLANZA website. If you would like to know more about these meetings or would like to submit questions or concerns via email, please contact your local SLANZA representative – contact details on the regional pages: http://www.slanza.org.nz Cathy Kennedy Communications SLANZA National Executive Services to Schools: The National Library is Transforming its Services Open letter to the National Library from SLANZA Sunday Star Times: Library book cuts hit schools hard. Jan 25, 2015 Press Release from Hon. Peter Dunn. Labour just plain wrong about library services to schools. Feb 5, 2015 Radio New Zealand News: National Library firm on school service cut. Feb 5, 2015 The New Zealand Herald: National Library book cuts will hit hard, says Labour. Feb 10, 2015 National Library: Services to Schools Transformation documents. Current independent petitions: Stop the Cuts Let’s keep our kids books Parliamentary Question 9 (Feb 12, 2015) What are the expected savings per year as a result of the changes to the National Library curriculum topic loan service? LIANZA Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa: Services to Schools Regional Meetings to Discuss National Library Changes Te Tai Tokerau Auckland Waikato/ Bay of Plenty Central Wellington Aoraki Otago Southland Update regarding our opposition to the National Library Services to Schools Transformation Programme4/2/2015 Dear SLANZA Members,
I trust your new year has begun well and you are excited for all that 2015 will bring. As many of you will already be aware, at the end of last year the National Library announced some changes to their Services for Schools. If you are not familiar with these changes, you can read about their Transformation Programme here. Bridget Schaumann, our President of SLANZA, and the National Executive have been working hard throughout January to advocate on your behalf against this decision. In order to bring you up to date, here are some of the actions taken so far. Firstly, meetings are being arranged in your local regions to discuss the National Library changes and by now you will have heard from your local representative or will do very soon. It is hoped that Geraldine Howell, Director of Literacy and Public Programmes for the National Library, will be able to attend these meetings so our members have an opportunity to ask questions and put their concerns directly. If you would like to know more, please contact your local SLANZA National Executive representative whose contacts can be found on our SLANZA website. An open letter has been sent to the National Library as well as personal letters to Geraldine Howell, Bill Macnaught (National Librarian) and Hon. Peter Dunn, Minister of Internal Affairs. In addition to this many other ministers and members of Parliament have been contacted: Hon. Hekia Parata, Catherine Delahunty, Chris Hipkins, Jacinda Adern, and Hon.Nikki Kaye. Bridget and the National Executive are also contacting many other organisations across the education sector in order to ensure our concern and dismay about this decision taken by the National Library is clearly heard. Bridget was also interviewed by the Sunday Star Times (Jan 25, 2015) and an interview with Bridget by John Gerritson will air on Morning Report, Thursday 05 February. You can help by ensuring that the teaching staff in your schools and your Principal are well aware of this change of service from the National Library and encourage them to mobilize their own networks in opposition to this decision. We will continue to work on your behalf and keep you updated. Cathy Kennedy Communications Leader SLANZA National Executive [email protected] |
December 2024