The next SLANZA Connected Librarians Online module is about to be open for registration.
Module #9 - Digital Literacy: Fake News Registration opens Monday 28 May and closes Monday 4 June Register here The course runs from Tuesday 5 June until Sunday 24 June
SLANZA is excited to see the government’s review of Tomorrow’s Schools. As the experts working at ground level in schools, we welcome this opportunity to engage with the review.
The school library is fundamental for students and staff to have equitable access to quality resources, skills and support. All schools should have a well-resourced library staffed by a specialist librarian to support the teaching and learning needed for student success. The review’s objectives of putting learners at the centre and providing barrier free access to learning are at the heart of school libraries. Research in New Zealand and in many overseas studies, shows that having a school library staffed by a qualified professional librarian increases student achievement. The National Library of New Zealand states that, “the research into school library impact shows higher student performance (with) improved reading test scores, higher academic achievement, and positive attitudes towards learning.” There are a number of challenges facing schools and school libraries including pressures of the funding model, lack of space, staffing and budgets. The review will be an important chance for our concerns to be considered as a stakeholder committed to all learners achieving educational success. SLANZA believes that all school students in New Zealand, at every level of their education, should have access to effective school library services that will support their reading and learning. Ngā mihi Julia It's time for the next SLANZA Google+ discussion - A Pay Equity Tool Kit for School Librarians. It will begin Tuesday 8 May and run for 3 weeks.
Our G+ discussions are designed to be slow, to allow time for deep thought and to reflect on our practices. Over three weeks there will be weekly readings followed by reflective questions. You can dip in and out of the discussion as time allows you, and participate as much or as little as you wish. You must be a member of SLANZA to take part in this discussion as well as belonging to SLANZA’s Google+ Community. We look forward to “seeing” you and hearing your thoughts – either for this discussion or one of our other professional development events planned for this year. Clare Forrest For the SLANZA PD Team |
January 2025