Well, I am!!
My day started with an interesting discussion with a member of senior management about online games ..... Then Lisa, the ("Robin" to my "Batman" - just kidding!!) wonderful librarian who works with me had to go home to sick children Then I had the lovely man from our local glass firm come and check out our library doors (yep - you guessed it - they're all made entirely of glass!!) ..... a loooong, sad story ....... Then I had to deal with a heating problem in the library (not good when it's still winter and we are in Southland after all, where it can get brisk) Then I had to let our property manager know that the staff toilet in the library block is .... well .... blocked!! Then I had to deal with a shipment of books that a courier had obviously left sitting in a puddle somewhere Then I needed to deal with a laptop that wasn't working All this - and I hadn't even made it to morning teatime yet!! Sigh ..... Tomorrow will be better - It's Dress Up Day!! Senga
I have spent quite a bit of my morning (in between teaching two Y10 classes about notetaking techniques and citing sources for bibliographies!) on designing posters promoting next week's Library Week celebrations.
I'm really excited about this year's activities and, as well as some of the old "tried and true" favs like Dress Up Day and Guess the Photo competition, we're branching out and trying a few more new ideas this year. I've finally settled on my book character for this year's Dress Up Day. I never disclose who my character will be (drives the students nuts trying to guess!!) but previously I've been Mary Poppins, Bad Jelly the Witch, The Mad Hatter and The White Queen from Narnia (I know, I know - there seems to be a theme developing - but I'm determined to break it this year!!) Gold star to anyone who can guess before next Wednesday when all will be revealed!! Now, off to work on setting up our Blind Date with a Book Day, which is our promo for Tuesday ........ All the best to those of you who are working hard on your own Library Week preparations :-) Isn't it fun!!?? It is so exciting to see all the hard work, brainstorming and creativity coming together in our new-look, new-format SLANZA Collected Magazine. I am a firm believer in collaboration and this new magazine is definitely a fine example of the success this brings. Bringing together talented, committed professionals is a very powerful way of making things happen. Remember - if you have a good idea, a burning desire or a project you want to see happen, talk to others about it. You just never know what might happen!
All of us on SLANZA National Executive who have been involved in this latest project now eagerly await your feedback. After all, this magazine has been conceived with our fellow colleagues working in school libraries in mind, so we want your input to keep it both fresh and topical and a resource you can continually refer back to. Senga |
January 2025