Library Sector QualificationsApproved library education providers
Open Polytechnic Kuratini Tuwhera Open Polytechnic offers a range of qualifications for the New Zealand library, information management and records management sector. 'At Open Polytechnic we specialise in flexible, distance and online learning that is designed to help you fit study around your work and life commitments. For more information about what library programmes we offer download our Library and Information Studies prospectus.'
Victoria University of Wellington The School of Information Management offers postgraduate diplomas, certificates and master qualifications in information studies.
Te Wānanga-o-Raukawa Te Wānanga o Raukawa offers Heke Puna Maumahara Diploma in Library and Information Management and Poutuarongo Puna Maumahara Bachelor of Information Management. These qualifications focus on ensuring the survival of taonga tuku iho (inherited treasures) and repositories of knowledge by drawing on tikanga and kawa relevant to your iwi, hapū, marae or organisation.
Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Te Wānanga o Aotearoa offers He Waka Hiringa Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge. Underpinned by indigenous values and principles, this qualification challenges practitioners to consider the holistic needs of indigenous people from traditional and contemporary perspectives. Charles Sturt University