As you may be aware, when I assumed the role of SLANZA President in July my decision was to serve in this position for a term of one year only. Now that we are almost halfway through my term as President, it is time to begin the process of deciding who will take up that position from July 2016. Accordingly, nominations are now sought for the position of President Elect. This position requires an in-depth understanding of the workings of SLANZA and its stakeholders so it is preferable that this person should be either a current member of the National Executive or someone with previous National Executive experience.
Miriam Tuohy President
The time has come to take part in our annual reading survey!
So if you could take the time to share your top books and authors with us we would really appreciate it. The results will be shared with all school librarians, and will go onto the SLANZA Reading website for future use. Click the link below to go to the survey now: Trish Webster There has been much going on in the couple of weeks since my last update. It’s a busy time of year for all of us, with most school library staff doing their annual stock-take, and senior sign-out for high schools. I’ve enjoyed seeing so many invitations to SLANZA end-of-year celebrations going out recently too, I wish I could go to all of them! Here’s the latest news from National Exec: Conference proceedings updatedA final large batch of presentations from our Conference has gone up on the SLANZA website. Alongside these, we also have some additional material - a document prepared by Steph Ellis with follow-up readings, links and information about the apps and ideas presented by each of our keynote speakers. Many thanks to Steph for creating and sharing this document. All these files are available now from the conference proceedings page. Collected magazineThe next issue of Collected magazine is starting to come together with many submissions already received. Thank you to those who have written articles for this conference themed issue, and also to our team of proof-readers who assist Greig (our Editor) with getting the magazine ready for publication. You can still submit content for this issue, too. The final date for articles or book reviews to reach us is this coming Thursday, November 19th. Information about writing for the magazine is available on our website, and you can email articles, photos, or book reviews directly to [email protected] Professional Development discussionThis week Sandi (PD Team Leader) has kicked off the first of our regular PD discussions in SLANZA’s Google+ community. Our chosen text for the inaugural discussion is R David Lankes’ free eBook “Expect More”. David presented a keynote session at LIANZA’s conference last week, and you can watch the video of that presentation (and others) online. To take part in our discussion group, you’ll need to join the G+ community first - over 100 of our members have joined so far. There has been some really interesting sharing and commenting already, relating to the first couple of chapters of Expect More. It’s not too late to join us, if you’d like to be part of this stimulating and thought-provoking conversation! Ongoing workMembers of the National Executive are continuing to participate in various fora:
We are also working on our strategic plan and the resulting work plan, our budget for the coming year, and preparing to open nominations for our next SLANZA President - I will have more info to share about these next week. Contacting National ExecutivePlease do get in touch with me ([email protected]), or with your local representative on the National Executive if there is anything mentioned here that you'd like to discuss, or if there are any other matters you'd like our help or input with. We'd love to hear from you!
Miriam Tuohy Hi Everybody
A reminder to you all, that the deadline for Collected Submissions is the 19th of November. Please send any submissions to me at [email protected]. Please note that this address is different from the one in my first email, but it is the correct one. The theme for this issue is Conference 2015. The submission guidelines can be found at under Resources. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the above address, or if you wish, you can call me on 03417 8620. Looking forward to hearing from you. Greig Daniels Editor, Collected |
December 2024