SLANZA National Executive is calling for nominations for the position of President Elect.
The President Elect will take on the position of President of SLANZA from the SLANZA AGM 2023 for a mutually agreed term of up to two years. This position requires an in-depth understanding of the workings of SLANZA and its stakeholders so it is preferable that this person should be either a current member of the National Executive or someone with previous National Executive experience. Nominations close with SLANZA’s Administration Officer at 5pm Monday 10th January 2022. Nominations can be emailed in the first instance to: [email protected] or if necessary, posted to: Returning Officer, SLANZA, PO Box 27-321, Marion Square, Wellington 6141. Please complete a separate form for each nomination. President Elect Nomination Form
Kia ora koutou In June, $1.5 million was granted to a LIANZA and SLANZA partnership through the Department of Internal Affairs New Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme (NZLPP). This fund will be used to aid a qualification uplift across the entire library and information sector. The aim of the fund is to upskill the workforce, attract new people to achieve tertiary qualifications and to ensure the workforce is qualified and future-ready, and positioned to demonstrate the value and impact of library and information services in Aotearoa New Zealand. A joint project advisory group was formed in late August and significant progress has been made towards achieving these aims.
Of key importance is appointing a funding agent to prepare and manage future grant rounds. The advisory group are in the process of finalising this agent to act in the role. The advisory group is developing an evaluation framework with key outcomes to measure the success of the project and guide the development of the selection criteria and applicant eligibility. A warm thank you goes to Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, Kuratini Tuwhera - Open Polytechnic and Te Wānanga o Raukawa for engaging so openly and positively about this project. Grants will be available to all library professionals and those interested in gaining library and information qualifications. Further information on the grant’s application process and selection criteria will be available early in 2022 with the first tertiary grant round aiming for Trimester Two enrolments. Ngā mihi nui Julia Julia Smith BAppSci (LIS) Qualified Librarian Kerikeri High School SLANZA National Executive Communications SLANZA National Executive rep for Te Tai Tokerau |
December 2024