Collected MagazineSLANZA Collected is a vibrant, bi-annual magazine created by the School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA). Each edition is packed with insightful articles, best practices, and inspiring stories from school libraries across the motu.
Whether you're a librarian, educator, or book enthusiast, SLANZA Collected provides valuable perspectives on literacy, education, and library advocacy. It's the go-to resource for staying connected with the latest trends, innovations, and success stories within our school library community across Aotearoa. Click the image to read the current issue.
SpecsFull length - 1000-2000 words - feature article, researched with an attached bibliography and high quality images
Short length - 500-1000 words Our Regular Columns - submit anytime to [email protected]
Articles submitted must be in Word Graphics / Images in pdf or high-quality JPEG Please email the editor at [email protected] to discuss your ideas |
Collected #34: A celebration of 2024 in your library, and SLANZA National Conference 2024.
Click on the image to view via issuu or download this PDF version to print:
We'd love to hear about what has happened in your library during the year, and your experiences at Conference which could include:
*Workshop reviews/Keynote speakers *People/Sponsors you met and connected with *Things that have inspired or made an impact on you in 2024, maybe you have had some excellent PD or met your 'library hero' *Activities you have done in your library that you’d like to share *The highlights of the year for you/Reflections on 2024 And don't forget - if you're reading a great book over the holidays, submit a review. Submissions are due October 25th to [email protected] Guidelines can be found at If you want to discuss possible article ideas, please feel free to email the editor on [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance to all our contributors & Business Members for your invaluable support. Collected ArchiveAugust 2010 - present
Newsletter ArchiveFebruary 2002 - November 2009