Wow, we must have hit on a nerve out there. We offered our new online PD course yesterday hoping to get 15 people and we now have more than 15 people! This is after less than 24 hours. So we are closing the applications now for the first session, and will consider how we can expand the programme.
Thank you for your support, your enthusiasm and your understanding. We will get back to you soon. Lisa Salter RLIANZA SLANZA Communications Leader
Last year we surveyed our members about the type of Professional Development you’d like. The results were overwhelming - 80% of respondents wanted PD about online tools, well ahead of every other category in the survey. SLANZA’s professional development team have been working on ways to meet this need with PD that is not expensive or too time consuming, and we’re very pleased to announce Level 1 of our online PD initiative “SLANZA Connected Librarians”. In this course you will learn about a selection of online tools to use and to share with your school community. Topics include professional reading, social bookmarking, community connections, and more. This course is designed by New Zealand school librarians, for school librarians - those just starting out with online tools, who are ready and willing to try new things. The course is free for SLANZA members. Registrations are open now, but places are limited to the first 15 registrations; those people will receive their invitation to our learning community in Week 2 of Term 2, and the course begins in Week 3 of Term 2. More information about the course, including online registration, is available here. Calling all school library business associates. Would you like to support the good work that SLANZA does for New Zealand School libraries? Now is your chance! Go to and check out all the information. We would love to have you as a partner.
Conference Grants Applications Open
Would you like to attend conference but finances are an issue? Now is the time to apply for financial assistance from the National Executive. Smaller regions have been allocated two and larger regions three conference grants which will pay for your conference registration. Travel, accommodation and associated costs will be your own responsibility, but don’t let this be a barrier as there are plenty of budget options and opportunities to share with other members. Successful applicants will provide a report about their conference experience for the Term 3 issue of Collected. Please apply in writing to your regional representative by Friday May 10 stating how attending conference will support your personal learning goals, why you require financial assistance, whether you have attended a SLANZA conference before and if you have you received a grant before. Preference will be given to first time attendees, those who have not received a grant before and cases of genuine financial hardship. Go to our website for your region's contact details: The first 2013 meeting of the National Executive was held in Wellington this weekend. As our new Admin Person Carole Gardner was unable to travel to the meeting, we welcomed Rosalba Finnerty as minute secretary and appreciate the depth of her understanding of our organisation.
Currently the majority of regional reps for NE have been on the executive for a few years, gaining stability and the ability to work smartly towards our organisational goals. This has lead us to consider ways to utilised the valuable talent within our membership which can then be recognised in a meaningful way. One priority for SLANZA is the promotion and celebration of reading. As a result of this we are committed to organising a nationwide school library day to premier in Week 2 Term 2 2014. We hope to make this an annual event to build on over time. Later in the year we will be calling for suggestions and requests in the hope of making a worthwhile event for all members. Membership renewals were emailed to members in mid March. If you have not received yours please email Carole Gardiner or download a membership application from our website. A major strategic goal of our organisation is to provide professional development to improve the quality of librarianship, teaching and support to students. Our National Executive PD Team have been working overtime on an exceptional opportunity for members to be offered next term. An announcement about this will be out in the last week of term, keep an eye out for this! We were fortunate to have the 2013 Conference Committee visit us on Saturday. As you will have seen from the comprehensive documents available at their website they are well on the way to creating an inspiring, challenging and worthwhile professional development programme for the conference in 12 weeks time. They also have a Facebook presence for you to follow, please ‘like’ this page to keep up with conference news. Watch for an announcement later this week regarding Conference grants. The first Collected magazine for 2013 is shaping up nicely and will be out next term. The theme is ‘reading’ and we are still looking for articles around the subject. If you have an idea you’d like to share contact Lisa Salter today, the deadline is the end of term but can be extended into the holidays. We hope you all have a restful holiday with time to reflect on all the things that went well in Term 1. On behalf of the School Library Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (SLANZA), I invite you to submit a quote for producing our magazine "Collected", published three times each year. Linked below is a brief which outlines the specifications for this project. We would welcome a re-design of the magazine, provided it is in keeping with a professional publication such as this, and that it complements our existing web presence. Design Brief Your quote should itemize costs for any initial re-design work, as well as the ongoing layout work for each future issue. Copies of all previous issues are available via our website: Please contact me if you need any further information: Miriam Tuohy [email protected] |
August 2024