Dear SLANZA members,
Our regional committees need you. They need people who really care about school libraries to come along to committee meetings - or even to contribute online or by email - to ensure that our regions are able to continue. Why do we need you: Our regional committees need a Chair, a secretary, a treasurer and a national representative to function. They also need some committee members to share ideas and help. These people keep your region running, organising the events you go to, the PD you are offered close to home and in the major centres. You can’t have all this good stuff without having an enthusiastic bunch of people to make it happen. New fresh blood is important. Some of our regions are really struggling to find people to join the committee.
Are you interested? Contact your local rep. Join at the next AGM. (Or just send an email to your rep saying you are keen to help.) All our committees will welcome new members. We really want new people to share their ideas and to get involved. We also need to have new people coming through the system so that SLANZA doesn’t run out of steam. From a personal standpoint, being a member of our committee makes me happy, we have lots of fun, we enjoy coming up with ideas of things our members might enjoy. Making our events happen is exciting and stimulating and we build relationships and networks with cool people. I heartily encourage you to get involved. Bring your passion for school libraries and make our organisation hum. Bridget Schaumann President SLANZA
Hi fellow members
Just to let you know : Nominations for the SLANZA Awards are now open. Awards are given in the following categories each year. Award of merit for information literacy Award of merit for literacy and enjoyment of reading Award of merit for promotion Award of merit for research Award of merit for library assistant Principal's award Certificate of appreciation Certificate of recognition Nomination information and forms are available on the SLANZA website under Resources/ Advocacy and this is a great opportunity for members to recognise individuals who make great contributions to librarianship in the regions and all over New Zealand. The closing date for applications is August 15, 2015. The Awards, when chosen will be announced and presented at the SLANZA Conference “From the Ground Up” in Christchurch in September 2015. If you have any questions or concerns. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Greig Daniels Awards Committee. SLANZA Just a reminder that we are now open for submissions to Collected 16.
The theme for this issue is diversity. How do we provide for the cultural, social, ethnic, and recreational needs of the diverse special interest groups in our schools, such as Maori and Pasifika students, LGBT students, refugees, international students, students with special learning needs and the gifted and talented? Any articles that reflect this theme will be welcomed. We also need articles on other matters that may be of interest to your fellow SLANZA members. This could include book reviews, articles about awesome PD you’ve attended or provided or anything you may think will be appropriate Our deadline is July 15. Details about submissions, images and the magazine in general can be found at under the Resources tab under Collected. We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Greig Daniels Editor, Collected Registrations for module #1 (Professional Reading) of the Connected Librarians course close this Friday, June 12th.
Next week all applicants will receive confirmation of whether they have been placed in this intake. More information is available in the course flyer and outline documents, and you can register here. Registrations are now open! Hello everyone, Registration for SLANZA 2015 is now live on the From the Ground Up website. You will be able to register at the early bird rate, book your accommodation if needed and indicate if you would like to take part in any (or all!) of the social programme events: author breakfasts and conference dinner. We have added to the website a draft letter that you can use if you need to ‘make a case’ to your manager or Principal to attend conference. Use the text in any way you like to create your own custom letter so you can attend this valuable professional development. Remember, all the SLANZA regional committees are sponsoring one or two members to attend conference and if you need more information about this, contact your local SLANZA representative – details on this website under regions. We have a great selection of workshops coming together and the list of these can be viewed via the conference website. There are three workshop streams: Sowing Digital Seeds, Growing Readers, and Cultivating Leadership. We still have one or two to confirm so watch for more being added over the next month. Workshop selections will be available in July when you can ‘mix and match’ from the streams and a full abstract will be available before you need to make any decisions - for now we will leave you with just the mystery of the titles! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about conference and we will continue to keep you up-to-date with conference news as we count down to spring in Christchurch! Cathy Kennedy and your Aoraki Conference Committee [email protected] Hi everybody
We are now open for submissions to Collected 16. The theme for this issue is diversity. How do we provide for r the cultural, social, ethnic, and recreational needs of the diverse special interest groups in our schools, such as Maori and Pasifika students, LGBT students refugees, international students, students with special learning needs and the gifted and talented ? Any articles that reflect this theme will be welcomed. We also need articles on other matters that may be of interest to your fellow SLANZA members. This could include book reviews, articles about awesome PD you’ve attended or provided or anything you may think will be appropriate Our deadline is July 15. Details about submissions, images and the magazine in general can be found at under the Resources tab under Collected. We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] Greig Daniels Editor, Collected |
December 2024