The Fiery Futures SLANZA 2017 Conference was amazing, and for many of us this week we are looking around our libraries with eyes wide open and a large action plan! Thanks for all your contributions, your energy, your feedback and your input into conference 2017. We hope it inspires and ignites you! We will have photos up from conference soon on our web page!
We were excited at Conference to confirm the appointment of our co-chairpersons. We have New Zealand covered as Julia Smith is from Kerikeri and Kirsty Adam is from Invercargill. We are really excited at the energy and skill these two will bring to SLANZA, we are in for a great journey! We are also thrilled to confirm that Book Protection have continued to sponsor SLANZA until 2020. This ensures that we have continued support to provide excellent professional development to all our members. The best way to thank them, is to purchase from them. book cover - Book Protection Products 2014 Ltd EXCITING NEWS - WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON !! Book Protection Products Limited is a small private company, family owned and operated. We are sad though to accept Ngaio Blackwoods resignation as our SLANZA Administrations Officer, she is stepping up to a sole charge position in a big city school library. She held the position for a short while but whipped us into shape with exceeding efficiency. We will miss her skills, but this does provide the opportunity for employment for another person in this role, this position has been advertised. Another change is that our conference we announced that we will change from having the national SLANZA conference from bi-annually to tri-annually. The workload on volunteers to produce such a high standard of conference every two years is a lot to ask, so we are going to excel at what we do every three years. BUT we are going regional! 2018 will see the SLANZA Regional conference in Dunedin and 2019 we will host the Regional conference in the Waikato. These will be weekends of learning, networking and inspiration. 2020 will then be the big national conference in Wellington where we celebrate our 20th birthday! We are also have some new professional development in the pipeline, and just to make sure we are on the right track we will be sending out an email to ask you what you want! Please when it hits your inbox reply to us, so we can target what you need and want! Lastly thanks to all of you who put your hand up to serve SLANZA in your recent regional AGM’s. We applaude you all and hope it is a meaningful and enjoyable experience for you! Below is your local Chairperson and their contact email should you need any help or support as you library on… Te Tai Tokerua Julia Smith [email protected] Auckland Trish Webster [email protected] Waikato/Bay of Plenty Glenys Bichan [email protected] Central Stephanie Gibbons [email protected] Wellington Clare Forrest [email protected] Aoraki Sally Stanley Boden [email protected] Otago Bridget Schaumann [email protected] Southland Jay Shaw [email protected] Glenys Bichan Communications officer SLANZA NE [email protected]
Hi Everybody
The latest Issue of SLANZA's online Magazine Collected is now available to non members. Our theme for this issue is Conference 2017 and Professional Development but we also have the usual selection of thought provoking articles as well as business member submissions and heaps of reviews. Check it out at under the Resources tab. Happy reading. Greig Daniels Editor, Collected magazine |
January 2025