Luckily this year Wellington SLANZA members managed to avoid earthquakes and floods and actually have a lovely Term 4 get together.
After a good catch up and some yummy food we had a presentation from Phil Clarke and Ros Booker, librarians from the IHC Library. This library is a wonderful resource for families and schools alike - it's free to join for anyone over the age of 18 and the only cost involved is getting the books back to the library in Willis Street in Wellington. Phil and Ros talked about the many sorts of resources they have and that they were happy to be rung and asked about what might be useful for all different areas of disability. I would highly recommend people check them out and use them. We also heard from our two recipients of the SLANZA Conference scholarships - Estelle Henrys from Cardinal McKeefry School and Kristy Wilson from Porirua College. It was wonderful to hear how much this
April 2024