![]() At the final SLANZA event for the Wellington region, Clare Gleeson (librarian at Queen Margaret College) gave a fascinating talk about the book she had written entitled 'Meet me at Beggs'. The book is the history of Beggs Music shops that I am sure all of us have some knowledge of. Charles Begg & Co Ltd, or Begg’s as it was better known, has an important place in New Zealand’s social and business history. From 1861 until 1970, Begg’s expanded until its network of branches and agencies covered the country from Whangarei to Invercargill. Synonymous with music, Begg’s was not only a retailer but also a manufacturer of instruments, publisher of sheet music, promoter of overseas artists and supporter of music in all its facets. Coupled with this was the company’s major role in bringing overseas innovations and technology to New Zealand by way of gramophones, radios, televisions and a myriad of other electrical appliances. Meet Me at Begg’s looks at the history of the firm from its beginnings in Dunedin to its demise in 1970. Clare undertook the writing of the book because being the great-great-great-grand daughter of Charles Begg she was interested in the social history of her family. Clare entertained us with her witty ancedotes and after the talk we had a song-a-long from a selection of songs that Begg's made famous.
![]() On Wednesday we said Thank you and Good bye to Adaire Hannah who has been instrumental in school libraries for many years. She is a Teacher/Librarian and has worked at many different school including Heretaunga College and lastly at Wellington High School. Listening to all the speeches about Adaire everyone talked about passion and energy of Adaire. She has been a tireless worker for literacy and information literacy in schools. As well as fighting to retain access to the National Library for school libraries she has organised and run two SLANZA conferences. We all know that we will still need to contact Adaire from time to time to dip into her huge well of informational knowledge around school libraries. End of Year Event and Adair Hannah's Farewell, 28th November, 3.45pm, Wellington Girls College
Come along to the final event of the year for the Wellington region. We will be farewelling the iconic Adair Hannah, of Wellington High. Adair has been a huge influence on school libraires in Wellington and due to her role on SLANZA around New Zealand as well. Clare Gleeson will be discussing her book 'Meet me at Beggs', which is family history of Beggs Music stores. Which I am sure you will all remember. There will be family stories and singing from the audience. as well as food and refreshments. See you there, Posted by Karen Clarke on behalf of Wellington Regional Committee |
April 2024